INT404 Practice MCQs 02, 15 Questions.
1. Knowledge representation is represented in two ways in AI
- a. machine logic
- b. predicate logic
- c. propositional logic
- d. compund logic
2. Generate the Soundex code of “VALIDATION”
- a. V433
- b. V435
- c.V432
- d.V434
3. Transform word “MAXIMIZE” into “MINIMIZE”, then how many edit operations required.
- a. 2 substitution
- b. 1 insertion, 1 substitution
- c. 1 deletion , 1 insertion
- d. 2 insertion
4. To work with Natural Language Toolkit , the first step is to install package, which is the right command to install the package.
- a. pip install nltk
- b. install nltk
- c. pip install
- d. pip nltk
5. Transform word “HERE” into “HEAR”, then how many edit operations required.
- a. 2 substitution
- b. 2 insertion
- c. 1 insertion and 1 substitution
- d. 2 substitution and 1 insertion
6. Error caused by extra element is due to :
- a. insertion
- b. substitution
- c. deletion
- d. both a and b
7. While constructing the parse tree, the base proposition would be:
- a. S
- b. VP
- c. NP
- d. T
8. In NLP, sentence meaning is represented at
- a. syntactic phase
- b. semantic phase
- c. discourse integration
- d. none.
9. Grammatical errors checking done by
- a. semantic analysis
- b. syntactic analysis
- c. both a and b
- d. pragmatic analysis
10. Bag of Words (BoW) model is a simple algorithm used in Natural Language Processing for…
- a. feature extraction
- b. feature selection
- c. pre-processing
- d. none
11. Bag of word models doesn’t respect the semantics of the word.
- a. true
- b. false
12. Which method is imported from NLTK package to generate Lemma.
- a. wordnetlemmatizer
- b. WordNetLemmatizer
- c. NetLemmatizer
- d. WordnetLemmatizer
13. If lemmatization is used, the base form of word “Talking” is..
- a. Tal
- b. Talk
- c. Talki
- d. Talkin
14. To construct the complex sentences, we required
- a. connectives
- b. logical connectives
- c. symbols
- d. all of the above
15. In propositional logic how many symbols are there?
- a. 2
- b. 3
- c. 4
- d. 1
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