In Java, there are three types of comments:-
- end-of-line comment : It starts with // and the content following // till the end of that line is a comment. It is also called as the single-line comment.
- traditional comment : It starts with /* and ends with */, the content between /* and */ is the comment. It is also called as multi-line comment.
- Java Doc comment : It starts with /** and ends with */, the content between /** and */ contains the java documentation information. Click here for more information on Java Doc comment.
Below code example shows all the three types of comments.
* This class has an example code for addition operator
* @author James Gosling
public class TestAddition {
public int sum(int num1, int sum2) {
/* This is an example for traditional comment
also called as star-comment or multi-line comment
return num1 + num2;
}//end of the method sum
}//end of the class
Note the extra space marked as a pink block . Also note that the class declaration statement public class TestAddition { should not have space before it.
See and re-type the below code to understand the different types of comments.
Below are 3 important points regarding comments:-
- There should not be a space between // in case of end-of-line comment and in between /*, /** and */ in case of the standard and Java Doc comments.
- Comments do not nest. Meaning /* and */ comment has no special meaning inside a // comment and similarly, a // comment has no special meaning inside a /** or a /* comment.
- One should not write comments inside character literals. Comments inside String literals are part of the String's content.