

L4, Synatx of main method, Understanding Command line arguments, package q10794, q10795 &q10796

Assume that five command line arguments will be passed to the below class with name CommandLineArgumentDemo.

Write code in the main(String[] args) method to print only the fourth argument.

package q10794 :-

package q10794;
public class CommandLineArgumentDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Write the code fragment in the below println(     ) method to print only the
fourth argument

Assume that five command line arguments will be passed to the below class with name CommandLineArgumentDemo.
Write code in the main(String[] args) method to print only the first argument.

package q10795 :-

package q10795;
public class CommandLineArgumentDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Write the code fragment in the below println(     ) method to print only the first argument

Assume that five command line arguments will be passed to the below class with name CommandLineArgumentDemo. Write code in the main(String[] args) method to print only the fifth argument.

package q10796 :-

package q10796;
public class CommandLineArgumentDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Write the code fragment in the below println(     ) method to print only the fifth argument

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